
Anne Birren Kirby, b. 1966

Anne lives in Boston, MA and Killington, VT. She has degrees from Simmons College in Graphic Design/Communications and a Masters in Business Administration. Art has surrounded her world with the influence of color from her grandfather Faber Birren, a color consultant and author of 36 books on the subject of color. In 2021, Anne started producing original art for friends, family and other smitten patrons. Her style is a unique hinting of Grandma Moses and Roy Lichtenstein — dots and weaving of colors, somewhat American Folk Art and also abstract. Keeping the vibe happy, colorful and simple for your enjoyment. All work is original, not computer generated or output. Watercolor or acrylic, hand painted on fine paper.

6/22/21 Killington Block Party, Anne with her whittled sticks. Classic hot dog fire food.

6/22/21 Killington Block Party, Anne with her whittled sticks. Classic hot dog fire food.